Senin, 30 September 2013

Birthday Gifts


Ada yang tahu ini apa? Thats right.. Yah.. ini adalah kado ulang tahun saya,  Sebenarnya sudah lama saya menginginkan memiliki Seri Ensiklopedia tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sejak lama saya searching tetapi tidak juga mendapatkannya... Alhamdulillah pada moment ultah ini suami saya memberikan kado yang benar2 saya inginkan........ Terima kasih sayang... :)
Dan setelah saya buka....., taaraaaa........ternyata di setiap seri nya ada tanda tangan seseorang yang saya idolakan, ( Dr. Syafii Antonio ). Yah beliau adalah inspirator bagi saya. Beliau terlahir bukan sebagai seorang muslim, tetapi ilmu beliau tentang Islam Subhanallah ( malu lah kami yang terlahir sebagai muslim ).  Subhanallah, ternyata Allah telah menurunkan hidayah Nya kepada siapa yang di kehendaki Nya..

Btw thanks a lot untuk suami yang sudah memberikan kado ini... Kado ini bukan sekedar kado bagi saya, tetapi banyak kisah dan teladan yang dapat saya ambil dari  Ensiklopedia ini.
Sebagai seorang enterpreneur sudah sewajarnya jika kami mencontoh bagaimana Rosul mengajarkan kita cara berdagang.
Semoga kita dapat mencontoh dan melaksanakan apa yang di ajarkan oleh junjungan kita Rosulullah SAW.. Amin Allohuma amin..



Kamis, 12 September 2013

gathered with the reunion committee


Praise be to Allah, who has bestowed His grace for us all so we can regroup in the event of the dissolution of the reunion committee..After a successful reunion materialized well, we as a committee are very grateful to these achievements..We feel proud to have been able to bring together old friends who had not seen..Our task as a committee is not easy; we have to collect all the information about old friends who spread throughout the island ..But in the spirit we can finally gather all that information...

and he said: Hey this is not a man's job

We hope that we can continue to hold a reunion. and hopefully the relationship between us continues to exist between all alumni... Amin Allohumma Amin..


Rabu, 11 September 2013

Umrah with Director of PSS


Month of Ramadan is a blessed month. month of Ramadan is the month of the most awaited by the Muslims in the world. For Umrah pilgrims, the month of Ramadan is the month of the most awaited time to pray in the Holy Land. Umrah in Ramadhan reward equal to the pilgrimage with the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Subhanallah... The first time I did worship Umrah, I was leaving in Ramadhan. And now when I already have my travel can deliver to worship Umrah pilgrims to the Holy Land. Alhamdulillah in the month of Ramadan this year, Al Fatiha Tours trusted by Director PSS Bp.Suparjiyono to assist him in performing Umrah worship

Al Fatiha Tours manifest your intentions to the Holy Land, that's the slogan of Al Fatiha Tours. With the slogan we hope that Al Fatiha Tours can continue to deliver the Umrah pilgrims to worship fervently... Amin Allohumma Amin...
Our thanks, to all Umrah pilgrims which has given credence to Al Fatiha Tours... Thanks a lot, hopefully we can continue to improve our services..

Minggu, 01 September 2013

Share to Fellow


Alhamdulillah, today I have an opportunity to write... Not everyday I can write in this blog, I would like to share a story about the results of the reunion...

We, the entire alumni Junior High School  Muhammadiyah 1 Imogiri ,force  1997, are very happy because we were able to collect Infaq we distribute to our friends who need our helping hand. Alhamdulillah, because of the reunions we can create something that is useful to help our friends. Our distribute  has been raised to infaq really need is the orphan son of our friends. 

  Isnaini, shes the daughter of the late Agus

She's the daughter of Siti 

M Raihan, hes the son of Nurjannah 

Hopefully we've done to get reward from Allah SWT... Amin Allohumma Amin... I hope that we can continue to perform routine activities like this, so that we can help our friends in need of help... And I believe we can definitely Inshaallah... May Allah always gives us the opportunity to continue to help others, Al Fatihah....
